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His starts became an unofficial holiday, dubbed “Strasmas,” celebrated by believers across the District. There were 12 of them that first summer, then came the first of many injuries — the right-hander needed Tommy John surgery and went under the knife that August, a procedure that cost him almost the entire 2011 season.The No. 1 pick in the

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Experimente doravante e mergulhe em 1 mundo de entretenimento com limites. Deixe seu feedback de modo a nos ajudar a aprimorar sua própria experiência ainda Ainda mais!Facing relentless foes and sudden bankruptcy, an Atlanta real estate tycoon must claw his way back to the top when his empire begins to crumble.Conforme a personagem se aprofunda n

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Experimente por sua vez e mergulhe em um mundo de entretenimento sem limites. Deixe seu feedback de modo a nos ajudar a aprimorar tua experiência ainda Muito mais!Facing relentless foes and sudden bankruptcy, an Atlanta real estate tycoon must claw his way back to the top when his empire begins to crumble.Opening Weekend has come and gone, and the

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